Furthter Compositions:
Bernhard Lang: „DW 12 - Cellular Automata“, 2003 (piano solo, 28')
press feedback on Heather O'Donnells interpretation on the Eclat-Festival, Stuttgart January 2005 (U.A.)
Stuttgarter Zeitung: "Zum Höhepunkt des Konzert geriet O'Donnells fulminante Interpretation von Bernhard Langs Klavierstudie "DW 12 cellular Automata", einer kontrastreichen Folge von pianistisch anspruchsvollen Sätzen, die mal vital nach Oscar Peterson, repetitiv nach Steve Reich, mal duftig beredt, selbstvergessen melancholisch oder silbern grazil nach Debussy klingen, aber bei allem Zitathaften immer ihre eigene Tonsprache wahren."
Reutlinger Generalanzeiger: "With its rotating patterns, it turned out to be a technical bravura piece that brought the interpreter downright enthusiastic "Bravos" at the end. [...] On the one hand, the tirelessly circling sounds had the effect of producing a machine-like structure, as if generated by a computer, as the demonstratively musical performance of O'Donnell showed ad absurdum. And on the other hand, her keyboard acrobatics conjured up the remembrance of the golden age of great virtuosos, in that the totality is not permitted to flow towards an emotional exuberance, instead kept in check by a cool rotation, calculated motions. A clever and subtle conflict with the musical tradition and as such absolutely at the height of timeliness."